Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety is stopping you from living up to your potential

Do things often seem overwhelming? I bet it seems like small situations that others do not get affected by frustrate you to no end. You’ve tried to reach out to people you love, only to find they do not understand what you’re going through? I’m willing to bet people have told you that if you “just deal with the things,” you’ll be ok. Well, I’m also here to tell you they are wrong, and they have no idea how to deal with anxiety. Anxiety treatment at Front Range FRC in Wheat Ridge, Colorado can help you.

What most people do not understand about anxiety is if we could wish it away, we would! The fact is, the countless hours you have spent contemplating up late at night will never solve your anxiety. You’ve already tried to “relax and breathe” like most kitschy forms of therapy, but no amount of presence is going to solve your anxiety.

Anxiety is more common than you might be aware of

The hardest part about dealing with anxiety is life offers numerous triggers all around us. Social media can trigger. Friends can trigger. Work can trigger. Heck, even our most profound relationships can trigger in one way or another.

Again, all these life occurrences are pretty standard but trigger anxiety in most of us. People don’t have deep conversations about their “anxiety” these days. We often say “oh my OCD” as a way to avoid having to talk about ourselves. Good news. You found a therapy website where we love to hear about you!

We have to remember anxiety leads to many of life’s ups and downs. Additionally, anxiety is felt in the relationship as well. Jobs often invoke some anxiety or fear. One’s family even evokes a sense of anxiety, especially during g the holidays. Moreover, our cultural upbringing or the hidden messages our families instill in us can cause a vast amount of anxiety.

How therapy can help

Personal therapy is the best tool for anxiety treatment. Not just any therapy, but it would be best if you felt a connection to the therapist you chose. Our providers offer a wide range of support to help you deal with symptom nervousness, constantly checking your environment, or even talking yourself out of going somewhere. In addition, our therapist utilizes principles derived from Gestalt therapy, which help you discover ways to listen to your anxiety.

A typical session may involve you listening to your body. We believe that anxiety is trapped in the body and creates multiple ways to be heard, but unfortunately, we’ve stopped listening. Understanding anxiety treatment from this understanding helps inform how your anxiety begins and how the body (and often the brain) creates a specific narrative to avoid anxiety. Unfortunately, we all know we end up listening to anxiety and often become prisoners to its demands.

With our support, you’ll find ways to listen to anxiety and learn how to befit from understanding anxiety. We approach anxiety treatment this way because every situation is different, but our bodies react the same way every time. For example, have you noticed how you momentarily feel anger and hang onto it when you roll your eyes at your partner or become startled by a friend? Of course, this anger is better to deal with, but often we don’t know how, so we don’t say anything and create anxiety.

We have been utilizing this form of anxiety treatment with our clients for over 20 years collectively. We learned early on that anxiety has a deep narrative that needs to be seen and heard, and therefore can be released and addressed. It is hard to trust a therapist, especially if you did not get what you needed from a previous therapist. However, you can trust our therapy is rooted in evidence-based research. Our therapists have been through their process on some level or another.

I have tied other anxiety treatments, and therapy didn’t work!

We agree. So have we. Our dedication is why we all are trained in gestalt therapy and are continually involved with advanced training. The therapist you found in a panic had good marketing skills. You found us because you did a little research this time and knew more about what is expected. In your session with us, we’ll listen and co-create effective strategies to enhance personal awareness individual autonomy.

    If I am diagnosed with anxiety, I fear I’ll lose my job

    You might. As we mentioned earlier, we don’t talk about mental health the way we need to. For some reason, a diagnosis is seen as some form of life-ending or altering status. But guess what, it isn’t. You are in control over yourself and the situations you put yourself in. You’ll also have the ability to fight any diagnosis and feel empowered with us supporting you. After all, if your employer fires you for having anxiety, is this a place you want to be associated with anyway? Anxiety treatment should not hurt you!

    Will my relationships change if I address my anxiety?

    Hopefully. Anxiety treamtment can free you from all kinds of emotional baggage. Rather than anxiety being the leading drive for your life, your truth will be your guiding drive. This is called authenticity. You’ve heard people say, “I’m living my most authentic life,” right? What this means is when you’re not anxious, you show up as you. Anxiety informs us when we are not being honest with our needs or desires and possibly holding off our needs for others. So I hope your relationships change for the good as you work on your anxiety.

    Do you have any testimonials? 

    Ethically, we cannot provide testimonials. We hear personal stories from the clients we support. The client tells us they are forever changed and feel more alive than than than before, but alas, we cannot share those stories. It’s illegal. Even if it weren’t illegal, we wouldn’t feel right sharing your personal information for likes or thumbs up. You trust us when you confide in us and allow us to see the painful parts that keep you anxious. This is called trust, and no amount of likes or follows are worth violating your safety and security.

    It’s time to reach out and get real results

    So, are you tired of living a life full of anxiety through a ruminating cloud of despair? Are you ready to try time-tested methods of gestalt therapy to alleviate your anxiety and find functional ways to live and be in a relationship with others? It’s time to reach out to a clinical staff who have been through the journey and can offer a safe space to engage with you on a profoundly empathetic level. Check out our lates blog here on anxiety