Our Services
Life Coaching
Life coaching and individual therapy share similar aspects but are profoundly different. Each approach has a benefit for the individual. Knowing the difference can help you choose between a qualified individual who can offer tools and enhanced skills, versus offering coping skills to increase your awareness.
Life coaching addresses areas in life one might want to change but find themselves stuck due to a mental block or even dynamics outside of their control. Mental blocks are not mental health issues. Instead, these are consistent patterns that prevent the individual from overcoming this obstacle. For example, let’s imagine you come from a type of family that spanked their children. One day you come to the idea that you want to approach your kids differently because you see your neighbor, Joe, as what you identify as a compassionate father, and he doesn’t spank his children.
Joining with a life coach can help you identify what patterns in life contributed to how you currently parent, creating new awareness around who you WANT to be as a father. You and a coach will join together to create a new cadre of tools to discipline your children. Mental health aspects impede individuals from living their lives due to a significant dilemma or childhood issues. Using the example above, let’s imagine you want to play with your children. Still, you find it difficult to get out of bed or log off the game console. Your parenting style could be due to an inborn trait that prevents you from functioning daily. Therefore, you would need mental health counseling to address any previous trauma or mental illness in life that might prevent you from being the person you want to be.