Pandemic Fear and Anxiety
Dealing with the effects of COVID-19 is difficult for everyone. More importantly, this pandemic has real existential fear and concern brought into relationships that might not have been present before. Adding the stress of a relationship doesn’t make it any easier. Not only are many people spending 24/7 with their significant other right now, but they are also dealing with new roles of teachings and primary caregivers to family members. Financial hardships, limited resources, and the sickness that is coming from this pandemic are all quite overwhelming. It is important to remember to take care of ourselves and our partners during this pandemic. If you need help supporting yourself, your partner, and your family, listed below are some steps that can be taken to ensure everyone in the house is taken care of.
Communication is Important
As the majority of us are faced with being with someone 24/7, it can be easy to notice all of the negative things they are doing. The added strain and increased intimacy can start to feel like more things are bothering you than not. Two people spending all of their time together are bound to notice some annoyances. In this instance, it is important to communicate with one another. Be honest, but not intentionally hurtful. It is not necessary to point out every tiny thing that is bothering you. That could lead to unnecessary arguments, and no one being happy. But it is important to bring up the big issues that will result in benefiting the relationship and the environment you are sharing.
Be Kind
Go out of your way to say I love you. Make your partner coffee in the morning without them asking. Bring your partner a snack to show you are thinking about them. Nurture your partner’s stomach and heart. Tell your loved one how much you appreciate their presence and the positive things they are doing to nurture your life. Check-in with your partner and see how they are feeling during this time. Many people are working outside of the home, increasing their exposure to the virus. Which means they may be having different anxieties.
Help out
When dealing with the pandemic in the household, far too often one person can often be overwhelmed with increased responsibility. One person should not be doing all of the cooking and cleaning, especially when both partners are at home more often. In many relationships, one person works more, and one person cleans more. But many times, both work a lot, and still one does most of the housework. Relationships tend to be happier and flow better when the housework is split up. Helping out around the house shows your partner that you care, and that you respect their time as well.
Take care of yourself
It is possible to give too much of your time and your energy to a relationship if it is hindering yourself. Taking care of yourself can be difficult, especially during this time. Now is when it is crucial. You can take care of yourself by creating art, going for walks, reading a book, exercising, and most importantly, taking time for yourself. Want to do something that is connective to your partner? Find a book you like and each takes a turn reading aloud one chapter. Whatever taking time for yourself means to you, it is important to have time for yourself. During uncertain times like this, it can be easy to ruminate on all of the negative things happening in the world and in your life. However, staying positive and calm can help your overall mood and perspective on things. Taking time for yourself and the things you like to do can help you stay positive.
Need help connecting to one another during this pandemic? Give us a call and see what we can do to help.