
Prolonged Anxiety in the Pandemic

Prolonged Anxiety in the Pandemic

Pandemic Fear and Anxiety We are staring to see that prolonged anxiety with the effects of this pandemic is difficult for everyone. Adding the stress of a relationship doesn’t make it any easier, nor are we finding that relationships are any stronger. Not only are...

Covid and the Impact on Mental Health

Covid and the Impact on Mental Health

A friend recently described the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic as living in half-life. A felt sense of moving forward and being stuck. Psychologist Adam Grant also describes the prevailing feeling as “languishing” or “the void between depression and...

How Anger Is Stopping You From Succeeding

How Anger Is Stopping You From Succeeding

Anger is a natural emotion. It’s unpleasant, but we all get angry from time to time. Anger can even be helpful. For instance, anger can wake you up to the fact that it’s time to make some changes in your life, or alert you to the fact that you’re being treated poorly...

How to watch for signs of Seasonal Depression

How to watch for signs of Seasonal Depression

Changing Seasons In Wheat Ridge, Colorado, we become no stranger to the frigid temperatures and isolating times of winter. There are stark contrasts between anxiety, depression, and Seasonal Depression that can surface during these times. Sadly, COVID has also brought...

Pandemic Fear

Pandemic Fear

Pandemic Fear and Anxiety Dealing with the effects of COVID-19 is difficult for everyone. More importantly, this pandemic has real existential fear and concern brought into relationships that might not have been present before. Adding the stress of a relationship...

Grief Counseling

Grief Counseling

Grief can often plague us, leaving us to feel hopeless and isolated from loved ones. Grief counseling can be a supportive way to help you transition from isolation to navigating life without your loved one. In the beginning, grief counseling will seem to be...